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Zhong Meide Gynecological Hospital
Interior Design

Location: Qingshan Road, Licang District, Qingdao, China
Date : 2015.11------2015.12
Total floor area:16,557.8m2

Zhong Meide Gynecological Hospital offers all-round care and professional treatment of pregnant women before and after childbirth.
Our task is to transform an office building into a hospital.
The main challenges are:
1. To create a new interior layout to function as a hospital with complex programs;
2. Design of efficient internal circulations of different groups of people.


Current situation:
The existing office building has two towers with a podium of two floors. There are 11 floors in total of the higher tower, while the lower tower can be the extention of the hospital a few years later. The existing building is constructed by a regular structure grid of 8.1m.
A complex program & department of Zhong Meide Gynecological Hospital includes:
1. Neighborhood clinic
2. Surgery
3. Consulting and Diagosis of gynaecology and obstetrics
4. Laboratories
5. Delivery rooms
6. Patients’ rooms
7. VIP patients’ rooms
8. Postpartum recovery
9. Fertility & IVF clinics
10. Auditorium
11. Gym
12. Food & drinks
13. Administration and offices



The estimated amount of patients is 200persons per day, which requires a large entrance hall as well as an efficient vertical connection to bring people from the ground floor to 1st floor. The transformation includes an extra passage and floor on the roof top. The external volume attached to the original building is designed as the new facade and entrance for the hospital, as well as a wide passage to make the internal circulation more efficient. The roof top floor is a leisure and multifunctional space for the staff and important guests. The bar on the rooftop is open to everyone.


As the ground floor cannot be connected because of the garage entrance in the middle, so the surgery is located at the east part of the ground floor, while neighborhood clinic is arranged on the other side. The 1st floor is now connected after breaking down the wall in between and the new entrance is on the 1st floor of the lower tower because of the high space. An extra elevators can bring people to the 1st floor efficiently. Consulting and Diagnosis rooms of different departments are arranged at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. Besides the ceiling height of the 1st floor for small block is 6.3m, which is perfect for the new entrance of the hospital.

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